
How to get a bank loan without having to go through bank checking

How to get a bank loan without having to go through bank checking. You are currently in need of a very urgent loan but are hindered by your good credit name that is not good enough? When looking at the implementation in general, it will basically be very difficult for someone who has had a bad reputation BI Checking to get a loan from the bank.As a lending bank or lender will always calculate every loan risk that will be disbursed to a debtor. If a prospective borrower is judged to have the ability to pay the mortgage, the bank will gladly lend. Conversely, if a person is judged to have no ability to pay the bill then the bank is entitled and will never want to take risks to provide loans. There are some rules commonly used by banks to assess the ability to pay bills of a prospective debtor. First is the income of the prospective borrower. The mortgage amount to be filed must not exceed 30% of the income of the prospective borrower. If your income is assessed can not bear the burden of installment then the loan loan application is definitely rejected. That is why most banks require prospective borrowers to include a paycheck from their earnings as well as a history of a current account statement for the completeness of the loan application.

Second, credit reputation of potential borrowers listed in BI Checking or also called Debtor Information System (SID) of Bank Indonesia. It also serves as a reference to see how the borrower's history so far has been in debt repayments. But, what if we are in dire need of urgent loans but we have a credit reputation of troubled loans? Actually there are still many loophole in order to keep you credit loan even though BI Checking you have problem. For example, by applying for a relatively small amount of loans, seeking loans to non-bank institutions, etc. In general, all credit loan applications will surely pass through the process of credit analysis, to see the level of credit lending risk. Well, to be able to see it, lenders usually check the behavior history of prospective borrowers through the credit score system or also called BI checking.